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Campbell colours


 - Agouti (Normal)

 - Black - aa

 - Black eyed Argente - bb

 - Albino - cc

 - opal - dd

 - Red Eyed Argente - pp

 - Chocolate - aabb

 - Blue - aadd

 - Dove - aapp

 - Lilac Fawn - bbdd

 - Beige - bbpp

 - Blue Fawn - ddpp

 - Dark Beige - aabbpp

 - Blue Beige - bbddpp

 - Black Eyed Lilac - aabbdd

 - Red Eyed Lilac - aaddpp

 - Champagne - aabbddpp


Coat Patterns


 - Mottled - Mo

 - Platinum - Si


Coat types



Satin - sasa

rex - rxrx

Other genes

Umberous - uu, this makes the coat darker

Diluting - didi, this makes the coat lighter


All colour genes with the exception of Agouti are recessive, this means that you need a copy from both mother and father for a pup to be that colour. There are 4 types of colour, single colour. Two colour, for example Beige - this needs 2 copies of both black eyed Argente and red eyed Argente. Three colour for example Black eyed lilac - this needs 2 copies of black, black eyed Argente and opal. Finally a four colour which there is only one of - Champagne, for this you need 2 copies of black, black eyed argente, red eyed argente and opal. If a pup has 2 copies of the Albino gene this overrides all other colours and the hamster will be an albino. 

If a hamster doesn't have two copies of a colour gene it will revert back to an Agouti.


You can also get a Harlequin hamster although this is very rare. This is where two different coloured Genes haven't separated in the womb so you have patches of the darker colour showing on the lighter coloured coat. 

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